Completing plans

ManualβΈ±updated in v0.4.0

Plans are independent packages of work or sub-projects within a project. Once the goal(s) of a plan have been reached, it can be marked as completed. For each project YOTEY displays completed plans separately from active or pending plans. This way it is clear what has happened in the project until now and what the overall project progress is.

It is also possible to revert completion of a plan. This is useful when a plan was marked as completed unintentionally or erroneously. Another scenario is pausing a plan and resuming it later.

Complete a plan

Plan completion button
  1. On the project page, move (hover) the mouse pointer over a plan.
  2. The plan completion button appears.
  3. Click the completion button.

When completing a plan, the following applies:

The completed plan moves from the PENDING PLANS list to COMPLETED PLANS. A light green border visually indicates all completed plans.

The plan after completion

A project may accummulate many completed plans over time. You can filter COMPLETED PLANS using the "completed since" selection. Once selected, the filter persists until changed to a different value.

Revert completion

Plan completion details button
  1. Click the completion details button of the completed plan.
  2. The completion summary appears.

A plan completion summary shows:

Plan completion summary and the revert plan completion button
  1. Click on Uncomplete in the completion summary.

After reverting completion of a plan, the plan moves from COMPLETED PLANS back to PENDING PLANS.

The following applies to reverting plan completion: